Monthly Archives: December 2012

The day after Christmas….

Today I took the day off for the most part, I attempted to go shopping and failed miserably. I had received an enormous amount of gift cards from different family members to stores and I just really didnt feel an earthly need for anything. This only happens when you become very very spiritual because I hadnt recalled being this way in the previous years. I wandered into the local Walmart to buy cat food, I found myself alone on the cat food aisle and then suddenly there was 5 people around me. For some reason I told the lady to buy a certain cat food because I knew how much my cat loved it and everyone started grabbing it. Which I thought was funny. Its the seafood blend of Meow mix with the soft center. Cats go crazy over that.

I saw many signs from heaven while out and I think that is why they told me to go out. While out I saw a man cross the street his shirt read “Angels” another sign saying my journey is on track, another car with the halo A and many other lovely signs, its surreal how people and the things around you give you clues as to what you need to hear. I was even listening to 107.9 and the perfect messages were playing for me. Everyone I spoke to was very nice to me, courteous, happy, enjoyable, helpful and complimentary even. It was just what I needed as Ive been feeling really homesick. I love that Jesus always comes around, it makes me feel better and he fixes small problems in my life. I often wonder how he was so strong when he was here, he went through so much, when he had to be human and divine. It is tough some days, I look forward to the amnesia being lifted from everyone.

The other day I asked him to help me with my neighbor and this car burglar we’ve been dealing with. Her car was stolen out of her garage, while she was sleeping. IE ..Our sleepy little community on the hill. Anyhow today they found her BMW , the burglar left the car in a neighborhood, where this guy had a security camera on his home . Apparently he left the car and was seen leaving on the video, which shows what he looks like. How amazing is that?? I’m sure it wont be long before my angels catch him.

The other day I was having a rough day and sweet Saint Augustine said, there is no one like you. So sweet thank you for reminding me, you guys are close. Yes we are all unique. 🙂

Your mother from the moon,

Thank you God for this gift…below.Image

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My Christmas Angels…Jesus ++

On Christmas eve, I spent most of my day getting ready for my company who was to arrive at around 3:30 pm-(my earth) family. Most of my guests were late, very late- some an hour others a few hours. It was hard to have a formal dinner like this everyone ate as they drove in. Anyhow we were in my living room, and I was a little thrown off when my sister rolled her eyes when I was telling my future mother in law (we can call her Sue) about the horse (story) I called over to me the day before and was showing her pictures. My sister gets all weird when I start talking about the divine and angels, its just to much for her to believe in because she like to have proof of everything. Sue then told me about her elderly neighbor who was recently widowed and how she couldn’t go home, yet wanted to. At that moment I really heard what she said and felt that about my life- at times, on planet earth. This happens when you are spiritually awake, at times, it really does, a longing for home-“heaven”; a void that nothing can fill but the Angels & God. Studies prove that best friends keep each other alive. Being spiritual is a whole other level on top of that. I thank my Angels & God for my good friendships.

Like most of the family of light, our family members are still finding themselves or are somewhat spiritually a sleep. At that moment I had channeled what my earth sister was thinking and it wasn’t very nice. I had the radio on and had channeled to go outside. So I insisted that my best friend and I go for a walk. I left my guests unattended, to get some much needed air. Something I usually wouldn’t do at my own party. Some 15 + minutes later, My brother in law walked down the hill and down the street to get us. We had went around the block and at that moment I didnt even care to rush back. He said, “I come to offer you a peace offering”, he said it like he had some how offended me. He even apologized..I knew the holy spirit was working in everyone in my house. I told him I would be right in. I just felt happy that my angels took care of whatever was going on with my sister. So they could contemplate some of their words.

The party went well after that and I did feel a little better. Everyone ate, talked then opened gifts early, they all left at about a quarter to 10pm. Just in time, as I had been wanting to attend a local candle light service. I had it in my mind all week. I just didnt know how I was going to do it with all my family at my house. My best friend looked up the service and said do you still want to go. At that moment I really needed to be pushed because I felt so tired. Yet The angels made it happen. I even got Angel messages earlier that week, they wanted to do something special because I havent been able to be with my earth father since he is on the other side or my heavenly family Angels.

Well we cleaned the house of the Christmas trash and ourselves up a bit, at 10:35pm we hoped into the car and just made it to the church. It was a miracle, we even made it there. I then realized us being there was not an accident. That night they had a candle light church service, which was so lovely. I could feel my dad, Jesus and the Angels near, I saw a huge cloud of purple near the stage which I knew had to be Jesus. I cried for most of the service because I could feel and sense all the angels & my father present. I channeled many messages from them, saying we sing to you, we love you and many other things which would make anyone blissfully happy to hear from your family of angels. It was very moving to say the least. The communication is telepathic, you just know what they are conveying to you, especially in the silence.

It was the perfect cure for being homesick. On the way home I didnt shed one tear I can not tell you what an awesome cure that was. It was just what I needed, I couldnt shake missing them all earlier in the day, I just cant explain it. Its weird to be spiritually wide awake and to know why you are feeling a certain way.

I did receive one message that applies to all of us: family of light on earth; we are here in service, we left the comfort of heaven to come help humanity. Those who are looking for answers will be happy that they encountered you and we thank you for all your efforts to spread our heavenly message of love, peace, hope, goodwill and God to all.

Moon mother

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The meaning of Christmas

This week I was contemplating which establishment to visit for festive Christmas activities, I always love the spirit of Christmas as it seems as hope travels in the very essence of the air molecules. Well there is a church that is near by that I love to visit since they do such a wonderful production of the birth of Jesus and their Christmas festivities. Well this week The monastery I go to had their annual Christmas event on the same Sunday the church usually does there production. So I was contemplating which event to go to. Anyhow turns out that the church moved all its service to Monday, funny how God’s makes some decisions for us. So we ended up at the monastery. Yes I knew that was Gods design. There was some great messages there for me today. Several of the monks I’ve known for lifetimes. I even got all choked up on a few of the songs, it’s hard to keep a straight face when the Holy Spirit is upon you, speaking to you. Its surreal, its like remembering home for those moments. being closer than you were the minutes before. The vibration came in very strong. I also good feel someone sending my back lung some energy, Probably because I’ve had this annoying cough for weeks now. I knew Jesus was there I could feel him, made me happy.

My best friend and I attended had a great time singing and remembering why Jesus came here to share his light, love and knowledge with the world.On the way home we drove by these horses, each time I have really wanted to pet one. I pulled over to the side of the road, the horse was some 20 feet away from me, I told my friend you can talk to pets in your mind, so I called the horse to me telepathically and it came. He was surprised. We got to pet the wild horse, for the first time, as I’ve been driving by them the last 9 months without stopping. I was so excited.

Im having the family over tomorrow, so its been several days of preparation, I decorated, cooked, cleaned, planned; I’m almost done. So have a Merry Christmas, life is what you make of it. And usually the things that mean the most to us, are the things that resonate with in our heart.

I was listening to the radio and caught these thoughts, of the meaning of the 12 days of Christmas back in the day. FYI

patriarch in a pair tree- Christ in the tree.

6 geese of laying- represents creation

7 -gifts of the holy spirit

8-the altitude

9- the fruits


11- faithful disciples

12- beliefs

The reef-Everlasting life

Candy cane- represents for J-Jesus

Ivy-in the old day people would put up Ivy to get protection from God.

Your soul sister,

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Life’s Challenges

Every day is so unpredictable, sometimes we just don’t know what the day will bring, you know…? Yesterday I had a few ahh ha moments where God infused truth into my mind about some questions I had asked about, some of the answers I didn’t like, to be honest. Yet that’s how truth is, some will surprise you-for sure. We all have those moments where when someone does the unthinkable to you, and you wonder what in the world possessed them to do it. I had a close female friend betray me a few months back, it was a real shocker as I really trusted her and never realized she was that insecure to boldly lie about certain things, to alienate me from certain friends.

Anyhow I got through it and you can too, if you have ever had this or a like situation happen to you. Just know people are delicate trying to find themselves, yet if they interfere in your life in a major way or life path; cut them off. Funny too because I’m often surprised when I find out that a certain person is even jealous of me, seriously ridiculous.  I go through hard times and situations just like everybody else does, if anything mine tend to me be more extreme because I add the spiritual element and some people may not be ready for the message their angel has for them. Yet this is why God put me here to help those in need. I never know the time or the hour or who it will be, I just do it when told. It may sound like an extreme kind of position, yet that’s how it is. Some days are harder than others for sure, as every situation is different; yet when you change someone’s life forever for the positive-words can not describe that. Or you set them FREE from their fears, their family or their past; it really is priceless!

On another subject, I also have many single girlfriends looking for love-my advice to them is make time to date. Sometimes they wonder how I finally found someone. Well easy I told my friends, family, work and many other obligations that I had–“NO” for a certain time. I didn’t mix them in with my other worlds, until we got to know each other one on one and established something solid. Sometimes you have to say no to the “single life” to get the “couple life”, its pretty simple. After being a part of the single group scene for 5.5 years, after my divorce, I knew I had to do something different to get a different result. So I did that. Men or women will give you what you expect. So if you expect very little, that’s what they will give you. If you value yourself and stick to whats really important to you  (like core values) and seek that, you will find it. Someone not wanting the same core values will disappear and you will find the one that wants what you want and want you. Quit chasing men or women who are already taken. Guess what if they ditch someone for you, its likely they may do it again. There are no shortage of single people on the planet. So go shopping.

I say why pretend while dating, how are you going to get what you want if you aren’t yourself while dating, never discuss what you want and waste your time on the wrong match? I did that for many years. I finally learned my lessons. So learn yours and get what you want. God wants that for you, just believe! Whatever it is, sometimes you just need to reflect what can I learn from this and what would I do differently, if anything…. Sometimes that is the lesson. if you cant let go of the small things then your not ready for marriage. Ive done it before-its all about compromise, its just not about you or what you want. Life is like that in general.

On another note today our homeowners association have been battling with attorneys on some street expansion issue with the city. Anyhow, I asked God to put this issue to a close late last night after reading a few of the attorneys emails to the board,  as they sounded like they were going to argue every detail with the city for another 2 years, that’s how long we’ve been fighting this. I just received the email that it has been settled. See God answers prayers. I’m seriously impressed we’ve been in litigation for 2 years and many thousands of dollars later, way past the 100k mark. For a small association, this is a big deal. I’m a little disappointed with 1 of the attorneys who quoted us 15k for this and here we are. We wont even make any money, the money we will receive will solely just replace what we spent on our 2 attorneys. Hows that for crazy. God listens.. yeah!!


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Jesus brings back my cat


Tonight I had people from my community over after our monthly home owner meeting. I live up in the hills, in a quiet older community, on the hill, with a view of the mountains and thousands of trees. When I was originally looking for places to live, this was the last place I placed an offer on, of 17 or so and the only one that went through. I must of looked at over 55 homes. My initial feeling walking through the door was “this is it”.

Anyhow, I volunteered to host the party since I have done it many times before and everyone was older and it maybe too much for them to clean, decorate and order food with their health aliments and schedules. Also my place was decorated for Christmas and I knew it would be fun to look at. During our meeting at 8:30pm my angel told me to order the food. We finished our meeting at the clubhouse about 9ish and the food was to be delivered at 9:15pm, and it came just 2 minutes before everyone came over. It took me all day to prepare yet it was worth it. I could tell most of my neighbors really appreciated the effort I went through to make it an experience for them. I had an ahh ha moment at the table when I realized many people do not go out of their way to do nice things for them, so it made me happy that I could serve them in this way; as they were so filled with joy, happiness, laughter and they really liked the decorations, food and company. My angels were present so there was so much joy and peace in my house.

Well, I have a thick wooden door that gets heavy with the rain, that sticks and it was left open because someone probably couldn’t push it close. Well, my black cat decided to slip out when one of my guests came in. Where I live is like living in a forest, so I was slightly worried initially, then I called the Angels to help me. As I really couldn’t leave my house full of guests. The party ended about 10:45pm, at this time, the cat had been out for 2.5 hours. So then my neighbor and I took the flashlight and we were scouting the entire area for at least an hour. There are thousands of trees, corners and hundreds of homes.
So about 12:00am or so I got the message to go back to my street, we were in the lower lot. Then a dove appeared, yet when we looked for it, it wasn’t even there. I knew it was an angel and a sign to go home, I told my neighbor I needed to get back, so as I returned I had the urge to check my enclosed patio before looking around the upper pad again and poof there he was at the door, in the gate, just sitting there looking at me, like he was forced to come home. Its easy to read my cat. Its so unlike this cat, to return, as hes a wild one. Then I got that Jesus followed him like a stalker and got him home. Isn’t that awesome! I was so happy. There are coyotes here so it was imperative that he be found. Truly a gift. I kissed my cat after I brought him in and of course thanked my brother Jesus.


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I personally have noticed many additional spiritual gifts and positive changes; vibrational and otherwise. People in general are being more kind to me and others, which is great to experience.  To think that a few bad apples tried to change the future of earth-shame on them, may their KARMA follow them for the rest of their days here on planet earth and beyond.

Some of the gifts include that I can now see aura’s. All I have to do it move my hand in from of me and I see the energy. I also can see visitors energy very strongly in the dark like a strong yellow glow for the Angels and this morning I saw Mother Pleiadian in a beautiful, brilliant pink fuchsia, as she dropped in this morning, while I was sending messages to heaven, I was glad to see her. I am grateful for many things and like most of us, family of light its just great to know and remember more each day. It is surreal and unbelievable we are even here, if you think about it from a human perspective. Its great to be here as the future of earth really is changing for the better.

I can see and feel the vibration changes as well, a few people I have come across randomly. Or as I like to think-not so random, each has looked at me for a second, a bit puzzled. This has happened more now than ever before,. This confusion can happen as they are recognizing my spirit or their own,  they feel my energy, something spiritually was triggered which is awesome to see or they are having an awareness moment. Its different for each one. Some just start rambling and or talking, ie channeling messages from their Angel(s)- talking about Jesus, heaven or otherwise. Its pretty amazing, really its never been this intense. Its almost like they go into a instant trance (as if you meditating) and they really need or want to say something spiritual or special to you. I’m not sure how it happens exactly, yet even my friend noticed it this last time when we were out. I was thinking wow–this NEW vibration is really changing people in ways we probably couldn’t physically understand before.

Yesterday I was at a monastery and this guy had ahh ha moment after I spoke for a minute. I could tell he came to know something about himself or some sort of truth he had been wondering about. It was great to see. As everyone is searching to know themselves a little bit more in these days.

Your sister


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God will never ask you to keep a secret. IE about yourself or what you experience. Didn’t he have the apostles account for the times and history of Jesus?  I feel the creator wants you to live in truth as much as possible, so if you are not comfortable sharing something, then you do not have to. It is up to you. Not your friends or family. If they do not like what you share, they do not have to listen. I do believe we have to use discretion when it comes to others, its not up to us to mention their names or their life details without asking them if you can disclose their private details. Those who you are suppose to speak to, will show up in your life. I can not tell you how this happens to me daily. Sometimes I just get in my car and let the holy spirit lead me somewhere. Its truly amazing, really. Sometimes I can not believe how amazing God, Mother pleiadian, a few of the Et’s and my Angel guides are. They are so beyond cool.

There is no rule why us Angels have to keep, that we are on earth a secret. We are far from the times of the Holocaust. I also think we are in much safer times, especially in America. Our soul is Angelic and so is our DNA, inside a human body, so whats the big deal, really? And besides our soul lives forever, when we die we get our wings back. Not so bad. So do not let other jealous people keep you oppressed, do whatever you want. Whatever feels right when you are by yourself, with no one influencing you, but God. thats my feedback. Be open, share and do it at your pace. Ive had so many people who know I’m an Angel tell me a bunch of bull shit of all the things they would like to see happen to me because they were jealous or afraid I would work in their line of business. Looking back I realize how ridiculous all of it was. As I previously mentioned God told me, he would keep me here as long as he wants. So I hope that settles your fears.

Your soul sister,



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There have been times in my life where I literally spent every last dollar I had. God told me to have “faith”. Wow what a lesson I had to learn, sometimes to the very hour that I needed the money, it would show up. I would get a new job, a contract, someone would give me a gift, a check would show up in the mail, I would be led to events that allowed me to meet the right people to get a new contract for work. So if you have been recently let go, laid off or your hours have changed have faith – keep trying for what your Soul really desires. Sometimes that is the lesson.

For example there have been times where an employer would take advantage of the business I built them, I brought them tremendous wealth and then later they would justify why a family member should take over my duties and lay me off. At the time, it felt horrible. Yet later it was revealed to me that “cheaters” never prosper and that God would show them the lesson with Karma, so they would understand how they treat the blessings of heaven & others is how they will be treated. I meet so many people dismayed by their layoffs, yet one should really look at it as a spiritual break from God. It’s time to yourself, time to get to know you, serve the community or find what really fits you. It’s happen to most people at least once, your not alone. If it can happen to me, an Angel from heaven, it can happen to anyone.

Sometimes we do not know the reason things happen until afterwards because we are too involved, yet once we step back it is more clear. It could be justice as well. One time an employer cheated me of $5,000-10,000 dollars in commission, soon after the job ended. Although disappointed, I knew God was not going to bless them with my talents and gifts, since thats how they were going to reward me.

The last time this happened to me the Holy Spirit made me write something to the owner when we parted ways, to make him think about the consequence of his backdoor behavior. They had me prepare a detailed marketing plan, that I did not charge them market for, with the agreement that they would hire me back, well they choose to take what I gave them and, hire someone else and let me go. I know in the end this lesson will be more for him than me. He never liked to acknowledge the work I got for them, he lived in constant fear about money. And It was hard to experience the pressure to make more money all the time. Nothing was good enough for this man. I felt like saying-sometimes you dont know what you have until you dont have it. Often he wasted my time by having me do excessive reporting to justify what I was doing, when if he had me spend that additional time meeting with his clientele, he would of had so much more abundance.

To me, it is important to somewhat keep my spiritual gifts discreet because I think this is the lesson many humans on earth need to learn. They need to have faith that God brought them the best help money could buy, if they openly didn’t accept it because I didn’t slap a get rich label on it, well then why should they benefit. Like they say- sometimes we don’t know how God will tests us, it is true. Those who have faith will enjoy Gods abundance. Most of the time, life isn’t about money or getting rich any way.

Recently I told a girlfriend I was rich, of course our meanings of rich where quite different. If you are in the family of God you already know you are as rich as it gets; you will always be taken care of, looked after and sent help when you ask. Have the courage to ask for help and take risks because the help is there and God wants to bless you.


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Angels Everywhere….

St. Michael the Archangel portrait

St. Michael the Archangel

I went out today to buy a gift and my angel showed me a picture of an Angel so I knew to visit a certain shop  and sell many Angelic things. Well I arrived there, and looked around and thought, huh where is that angel I saw. I started talking to the owner and poof –there it was behind the counter, they hadn’t even put it out, a beautiful little white angel, he even gave me 20% off and I didn’t even ask. He inadvertently gave me a few messages. As I walked out I saw a few other angel items that had personal messages for me, like: “A wish for you”. I was looking at them and the lady said, she had one in the back and she took it out. It was lovely.

Later, I went to a business event and one of my contacts at my table, told me to do EFT because I had a slight cough that seem to linger. Weird because I feel better. See God gives you what you need –exactly at the right time. Someone took a photo and somehow the light in the flash made me see my guides, their luminescent light, which is awesome when your eyes are open.

We then somehow got onto the topic of Angels, my favorite topic of course I said yes I have angel guides, then this lady who was part of the conversation and whom Ive only met a few times before said; Archangel Michael is your guide, she just blurted it out, it was really funny. I said wow, that’s amazing that, how that came through. I could tell she wasn’t even trying to say it. That’s what we call channeling- truth, it will just come through. He was there, alright, I know he was telling her and she got the message, it was pretty cool, usually I’m the only one remotely awake in the circles I work in. So it was nice to experience. Later out of no where, a few people that I had just met, brought me glasses of wine, which I graciously accepted their act of kindness.

Then as I left, and got into my car, my other business friend said tell Archangel Michael hello; which I found hilarious, because he was right behind me. I looked at him and laughed. Like how did you know that. Amazing, he’s here. Then I got in my car. I’m so use to everyone being asleep. I was happy that he was a little bit awake. ha ha ha Times are changing, so excited.

Moon mother,


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Categories: Family of Light, Signs from the Angels/The other side | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments



Today I went to church, not expecting anything special. As we drove up, I immediately got the message that heaven knew I would be running late and sent the message to the church that I’d be visiting. And the church received the message and would start 15-20 minutes later than expected. I thought, okay did I really get that message.
As received, I walked into the church, (that I rarely visit) about 18 or so minutes late, right at that moment they started the service, It was simply amazing. The pastor gave a fabulous message, I know he had channeled Jesus because thats what I was receiving right then, myself. also the message was definitely for me and many others, I’m sure.

The pastor asked God to fill everyone’s hearts with Joy during the prayer time. I knew I could help so I called in the Angels and asked brother Jesus to show up and they did. I was also sending light to fill the room and to the hearts of everyone. One of my gifts is to share JOY. I was a little caught off guard to see Jesus just a second later. We had our eyes closed, I could feel them all around me, the room was super cold which tells me they are around as well. I then looked up and I could see Jesus’s right in front, at the stage. I was sad that no one else could see him. I know others could feel him for sure. My friend felt really moved, I wiped the tears from my face and said the Angels and Jesus are here. I was so happy to experience heaven on Earth once again.

Monday- I woke up and I just knew what to do, kind of like you get downloaded at night. Anyhow previously I was given a certain task. I was more okay with the instructions than the 1st time they told me, to carry them out, yet sometimes that’s how it is. The first time God or Jesus tells you something you may not particularly had that in mind to do, so you may be resistant to it. Yet after you here it a few times, you just do it, knowing I know my job is to serve you, God. Sometimes are little egos get in the way and we don’t cooperate with instructions too well. If you want to advance spiritually, then they will probably test you with lots of spiritual homework, Lol, glad I just finished and passed the test. Omg! Whew

The new vibration makes things a whole lot easier knowing we are creating peace on earth thats our job, all of us and because as humans we often worry about a consequence that will most likely never happen. Also Our DNAs are different now, that its just easy to just BE , live in bliss and participate in Gods eternal plan.

Moon mother,

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